Noticing Score for Rest at the Mall
May 7, 2024
Lay on your back covering the length of the bench.
Feel the cushion squish into your back.
n o t i c e:
the music vent/speaker almost directly above you
the red and black and beige granite column
(touch it with the back of your hand and wrist because you want to feel the cool)
the metallic green star-shaped balloon stuck in the ceiling
Cloudgaze until your eyes stop moving in the direction of new sound entering the site, or until you start to dissociate (or a little after), or until someone tells you that you have to move.
When you get up, look over the railing and notice:
the soft light shapes on the first floor,
the caution-taped window,
the metal outlets on the floor,
the store grate–where the lines are closer together–how the tiles are different there
The clouds are covering the skylights.
Performed by Olivia DelGandio and filmed by Kye Grant at Lloyd Center Mall in Portland, OR, May 2024.